Design Patterns


Design Patterns are reusable solutions to common design problems, resulting in a smoother, more efficient development process. They serve as blueprints for building better software structures.

Design Patterns

These are some of the most popular patterns:

Design Patterns

Abstract Factory: Family Creator - Makes groups of related items.

Builder: Lego Master - Builds objects step by step, keeping creation and appearance separate.

Prototype: Clone Maker - Creates copies of fully prepared examples.

Singleton: One and Only - A special class with just one instance.

Adapter: Universal Plug - Connects things with different interfaces.

Bridge: Function Connector - Links how an object works to what it does.

Composite: Tree Builder - Forms tree-like structures of simple and complex parts.

Decorator: Customizer - Adds features to objects without changing their core.

Facade: One-Stop-Shop - Represents a whole system with a single, simplified interface.

Flyweight: Space Saver - Shares small, reusable items efficiently.

Proxy: Stand-In Actor - Represents another object, controlling access or actions.

Chain of Responsibility: Request Relay - Passes a request through a chain of objects until handled.

Command: Task Wrapper - Turns a request into an object, ready for action.

Iterator: Collection Explorer - Accesses elements in a collection one by one.

Mediator: Communication Hub - Simplifies interactions between different classes.

Memento: Time Capsule - Captures and restores an object's state.

Observer: News Broadcaster - Notifies classes about changes in other objects.

Visitor: Skillful Guest - Adds new operations to a class without altering it.

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